"Is Christianity Good for the World?"
View the May 2007 debate:
Christianity Today
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Scripture declares that the Words of God are pure, as silver tried in a furnace [Psalm 12:6], that God proves us as silver is tried [Psalm 66:10], and refines us as silver is [Zechariah 13:8-9]. I pray through this blog, not my words but, through the reading of the scriptures, through the presentation of thoughts and of comments, splinters of silver may prick and stay with us throughout our lives as we grow as Christians.
Sinners, let me address you with words of life; Jesus wants nothing from you, nothing whatsoever, nothing done, nothing felt; he gives both work and feeling. Ragged, penniless, just as you are, lost, forsaken, desolate, with no good feelings, and no good hopes, still Jesus comes to you, and in these words of pity he addresses you, "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."
Comment Policy: No profanity or blasphemy will be posted. You do not have to agree, but if you would like your comment posted, you will have to adhere to the policy.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
11:57:00 AM
Silver Labels: Atheist, News and Headlines
Interesting article:
Pop Culture Prophets and Media Messiahs
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
11:16:00 AM
Silver Labels: Misc Interest Studies
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:30:00 AM
Silver Labels: Christian Living, Devotional
“Grafman and others are using brain imaging and psychological experiments to study whether the brain has a built-in moral compass. The results -- many of them published just in recent months -- are showing, unexpectedly, that many aspects of morality appear to be hard-wired in the brain, most likely the result of evolutionary processes that began in other species.”
“While one implication of such findings is that people with certain kinds of brain damage may do bad things they cannot be held responsible for, the new research could also expand the boundaries of moral responsibility.”
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:22:00 AM
Silver Labels: Morality, News and Headlines
“It last happened about 3.6 billion years ago a tiny living cell emerged from the dust of the Earth. It replicated itself, and its progeny replicated themselves, and so on, with genetic twists and turns down through billions of generations. Today every living organism—every person, plant, animal and microbe—can trace its heritage back to that first cell.”
“Scientists in the last couple of years have been trying to create novel forms of life from scratch. They've forged chemicals into synthetic DNA, the DNA into genes, genes into genomes, and built the molecular machinery of completely new organisms in the lab—organisms that are nothing like anything nature has produced.”
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:39:00 AM
Silver Labels: Creationist, Evolution, News and Headlines
“While modern snakes and lizards are derived from a common evolutionary ancestor, they belong today to two entirely separate groups of animals, or orders. Snakes, over millenia, gradually lost their limbs and developed their characteristic forms of locomotion. But modern limbless lizards are not snakes, Dutta said.”
“The other limbless lizards belonging to different families have been found in India's Nicobar island, in the northeast, and in Orissa and Andhra Pradesh states, he said.”
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:07:00 AM
Silver Labels: Evolution, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
11:34:00 AM
Silver Labels: Devotional, Evangelism/Missions, Witness
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:14:00 AM
Silver Labels: Biology, Evolution, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:58:00 AM
Silver Labels: Abstinence, Christian Living, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:23:00 AM
Silver Labels: Christian Living, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:00:00 AM
Silver Labels: Creationist, Evolution
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:31:00 PM
Silver Labels: Creationist, Evolution
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:18:00 AM
Silver Labels: News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
2:44:00 PM
Silver Labels: News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:25:00 AM
Silver Labels: Christian Living, Devotional, Morality
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
1:09:00 PM
Silver Labels: Bibles/Translations, Misc Interest Studies, News and Headlines
HONG KONG (Reuters) - More than 800 Hong Kong residents have called on authorities to reclassify the Bible as "indecent" due to its sexual and violent content, following an uproar over a sex column in a university student journal.
the holy book "made one tremble" given its sexual and violent content, including rape and incest.
the Bible's sexual content "far exceeds" that of a recent sex column published in the Chinese University's "Student Press" magazine, which had asked readers whether they'd ever fantasised about incest or bestiality.
If the Bible is similarly classified as "indecent" by authorities, only those over 18 could buy the holy book and it would need to be sealed in a wrapper with a statutory warning notice.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
11:26:00 AM
Silver Labels: News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:39:00 AM
Silver Labels: Blog
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:14:00 AM
Silver Labels: Book, Request Reader Input
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:06:00 AM
Silver Labels: Death, Devotional, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
2:08:00 PM
Silver Labels: Atheist
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:56:00 AM
Silver Labels: Atheist, Big Bang, Creationist, Faith
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:18:00 AM
Silver Labels: Christian Living, Devotional
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
5:32:00 AM
Silver Labels: Holiday
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:13:00 AM
Silver Labels: Graduation, Parents
The shortest verse in the Bible is John 11:35, Jesus wept.
My question to the reader today is - Why?
1] Was it because Lazarus died?
2] Was it because the people were crying?
3] Was it because of the unbelief of the people?
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:25:00 AM
Silver Labels: Request Reader Input
I believe I have found what atheists, theists, and any other 'ists' seem to have in common.
None of us very much like our beliefs/thoughts/ideas/convictions questioned, and we don't mind telling the offender so.
I wonder if there is really such a thing as "agree to disagree".
I doubt we could agree there is such.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:00:00 AM
Silver Labels: Agnostic, Atheist, Creationist, Misc Interest Studies
Miranda said millions of people worldwide have tattooed their bodies with "666" in recognition that the second-coming of Christ has taken place, according to the report.
Miranda said he is known as God in at least 30 countries.
Local 6 reported that he was born in Puerto Rico and admits to being a recovering heroin addict. He also spent times in prison on drug and petty theft charges.
Miranda is the founder of the Miami-based Growing in Grace Ministry.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:10:00 AM
Silver Labels: Nut-Case So-Called Christianity
None of this means, however, that there aren't some atheists who really do want to convert theists. What everyone must remember is that this does not indicate that such atheists are just trying to convince themselves. There are many Christian evangelists who spread all over the world to convert people to Christianity, but are they all trying to convince themselves as well? I doubt many Christians would accept such a conclusion, but if so then they shouldn’t claim that it's true about atheists.In fact, some atheists think that theism, or at least religion, causes a great deal of harm in society, so they try to get people to change their minds. This isn't much different from someone having strong political convictions and trying to get others to change their minds and agree with them. An advocate for laws against abortion or gun control isn't trying to simply "convince themselves" — they are, instead, trying to improve society by promoting particular ideas and/or arguing against others. An evangelical atheist who argues against theism and/or religion is doing much the same.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:51:00 AM
Apparently on May 5, 2007 at debate between Christians Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron and Atheists Brian Sapient and "Kelly" (who apparently did not want to give her real name) took place at Calvary Baptist Church in New York City.
The debate is to air on ABC News Now tomorrow afternoon and Nightline tomorrow night on Wednesday, May 9, 2007.
Informing articles:
I haven’t seen the debate, but according to the link above, “Kelly” had a “wardrobe malfunction” that was most inappropriate for such a place (church) and situation (intellectual debate).
Interestingly it seems that this Brian Sapient and “Kelly” are a part of the following:
“The Rational Response Squad challenges people to take the Blasphemy Challenge in which they make videos of themselves denouncing or blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and then post them on YouTube.”
In my opinion, it is one thing to claim to be an atheist by which you believe there is no God, but to coherence teens (or anyone) into “denouncing or blaspheming the Holy Spirit” – which an atheist claims not to believe exist – there must be a deeper agenda. Yes, I believe, an underlying purpose must exist for such a motivation to move a group.
Tune-in and let’s see what we can glean from this.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:53:00 AM
Silver Labels: Atheist, Controversial, Creationist, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:00:00 AM
Silver Labels: Controversial, Heaven, Misc Interest Studies
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:00:00 AM
Silver Labels: Creationist, Evolution
In a recent article at BPNews.net, here, the House just passed a law, by a vote of 237-180, for the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. It appears that the Senate believes it will pass when brought to them, but Bush has the power to veto.
Current hate crimes law protects traits such as race, religion and national origin, but the bill's opponents say the new legislation would grant protection based on lifestyle. They also say it would move federal law toward punishing thoughts and beliefs, since the motivation of a person charged with a hate crime would have to be evaluated. In addition, some critics warn it eventually could result in suppression of speech that describes homosexual behavior as sinful.
Two concerns I have:
1] “protection based on lifestyle”
If indeed protection is granted on the basis of lifestyle, where would it stop? Would there then be protection for bestiality also in the near future? Are we as Americans really ready to protect every lifestyle there is?
2] “punishing thoughts and beliefs”
If this comes about, not only Christians, but anyone not in line with the law makers would suffer. It would be as easy as one saying, “You think homosexuality is wrong, well then you have the potential of harming them so we must lock you up.”
Scripture is clearly against homosexuality. There is no doubt for anyone that believes the Bible that homosexuality is immoral and a sin according to God [Leviticus 20; Romans 1]. BUT I AM NOT PROMOTING THE HARMING OF ONE.
I am not speaking about whether a homosexual can/will get saved; I may on a different post.
Here I am talking about the preaching, teaching, and thinking opposed to homosexuality. Is it really to be considered a hate crime? I believe it can be used as such, but not limited to always.
There are those that use the Bible teaching against homosexuality but go to extremes by taunting them, physically or emotionally hurting them, etc., but by enlarge it is not real Christians or what Christianity is all about.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, if the government limits the free speech of proclaiming the Scriptures concerning homosexuality (as in some countries), be sure the message of the gospel will soon bring forth persecution also, as maybe a “hate-crime” against atheists and agnostics.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
11:05:00 AM
Silver Labels: Controversial, Hate Crimes, Homosexuality, News and Headlines
Paul Ross Evans, 27, of Austin is charged with three federal crimes that accuse him of using weapons of mass destruction, attempting to damage a building used in interstate commerce and attempting to damage a facility because it provides reproductive health services.
In 2003, Evans was sentenced to 15 years in prison for an aggravated robbery at a Lufkin Whataburger.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
7:49:00 AM
Silver Labels: Abortion, Atheist, Hate Crimes, News and Headlines
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:00:00 AM
Silver Labels: Misc Interest Studies
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
9:05:00 AM
Silver Labels: Alexandrian text-type, Bibles/Translations, Byzantine text-type, Westcott and Hort
Just a little history, for I really don’t know much at all. Just ask anyone that knows me.
Raise your hand if you have heard the name William Tyndale? Well, if you use a Bible, which I hope you do, you should know the name.
Tyndale is known for his translation of the Bible which was the first in English translation from the Hebrew and Greek Texts. John Wycliffe’s “morning star of the Reformation” translation was from the Latin Vulgate in the 1380s.
Tyndale’s New Testament from the Greek was printed in 1526 and fourteen of the Old Testament books were translated from Hebrew into English by the 1530’s; which assumingly made him the first to translate Hebrew into English.
Myles Coverdale, a close friend of Tyndale, translates the rest of the Old Testament Tyndale was unable to complete, relying mostly on Tyndale’s earlier drafts, and publishes the first complete English Bible, the Coverdale Bible, in 1535. Tyndale was in prison for 15 months, ending in his strangling and burning at the stake on October 6.
John Rogers in 1537 published the Mathew Bible, under the name Thomas Matthew, which was made of Tyndale’s Old Testament and New Testament (1534-1535), Coverdale’s Bible, and a small amount of Rogers’ own translations.
Thomas Cranmer in 1539 commissions Coverdale to publish a large pulpit Bible thus introduced the Great Bible, also based highly on Tyndale’s work, chained to every pulpit in every church.
It is claimed that over 85% (some state 2/3 to 90%) of the 1611 King James Bible’s New Testament and first half of the Old Testament is taken directly or related to Tyndale’s translation work. Claims have been made that the Geneva Bible translated in 1560 (first verse divisions) holds even closer to Tyndale’s work than the King James Bible does.
Some distinctions from Tyndale and the KJV translators are the words:
Tyndale - congregation - elders - love
KJV - church - bishops - charity
To God be all honor, praise, and glory for using a man of His choosing to translate His very Words from the Hebrew and Greek into our English language that we may know Him through the Scriptures.
Thoughts from
Splinters of Silver
8:48:00 AM
Silver Labels: Bibles/Translations, Coverdale Bible, Geneva Bible, Great Bible, John Rogers, King James Bible, Matthew Bible, Myles Coverdale, Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Matthew, William Tyndale
To be saved is to be preserved in the faith to the end. 'He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.' (Mt. 24:13) Not that perseverance is an accident in Christianity, or a thing performed by human industry; they that are saved 'are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation.' (1 Pet. 1: 3-6) But perseverance is absolutely necessary to the complete saving of the soul…. He that goeth to sea with a purpose to arrive at Spain, cannot arrive there if he be drowned by the way; wherefore perseverance is absolutely necessary to the saving of the soul.
To escape the error of salvation by works we have fallen into the opposite error of salvation without obedience - and there is no such a thing.
The articles posted here are simply my thoughts and opinions on different topics and subjects, as I see them at the time of write, which could change without me returning to the archives to note such. They are of a personal nature and are not to be used to judge the church I attend nor its members. You are responsible to draw your own conclusions and further check out the information presented by the writer and commenters. If you see a factual mistake, please bring it to the writer or commenter's attention.
Just because you see the link here doesn't mean I support the entire site. Take the silver and leave the impurities.
- Writer
Any Bible teacher great or small who mingles their own inventions with the Word of God or who advance anything that does not belong to it, must be rejected, how honourable soevermay be their rank.
Do not stumble at the doctrine of ELECTION. Preach the gospel to all, and (as some one has said) if you convert any one who was not "chosen", God will forgive you. [Notes from my Bible, page 167]
If anyone has a topic they would like discussed, please send me a note, and I'll see what we can do. - Writer