C.H. Spurgeon

Sinners, let me address you with words of life; Jesus wants nothing from you, nothing whatsoever, nothing done, nothing felt; he gives both work and feeling. Ragged, penniless, just as you are, lost, forsaken, desolate, with no good feelings, and no good hopes, still Jesus comes to you, and in these words of pity he addresses you, "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."

Comment Policy: No profanity or blasphemy will be posted. You do not have to agree, but if you would like your comment posted, you will have to adhere to the policy.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ekleipsis: In the Land of Erde - Review Proposal

Beast, a regular, Atheist commenter to Splinters of Silver has proposed the following concerning my recently finished book Ekleipsis:

Books, books, books: You seem to be churning them out by the dozens! Am I supposed to be impressed?

May I propose this to you: Send me a softcopy of your book, and then I will evaluate it and write a book review, after which you can put it up on your blog.

As with all my comments, I will be as objective and truthful as I can.

Dare you accept the challenge?



As concerning your proposal of me sending you the PDF file of my book, Ekleipsis:

You propose:
“May I propose this to you: Send me a softcopy of your book, and then I will evaluate it and write a book review, after which you can put it up on your blog.”

You claim:
“As with all my comments, I will be as objective and truthful as I can.”

My reply and stipulations:

1. I will send you the current, complete PDF file for my book entitled Ekleipsis. This will be the file that has been edited and reread by myself, before the proof copy has arrived and I have had the chance to reread it one final time.

2. You will agree to not alter the PDF file in any way, and to refrain from distributing or making available the file in anyway (whether free or for monetary gain) to any individual besides yourself, unless first approved by myself.

3. You have the right to be “objective and truthful” concerning all comments regarding your review of my book, Ekleipsis, which should be sent to me via email.

4. I reserve the right to refrain from posting your review if I, and those I may share it with, feel that it is not “objective and truthful” in our opinion. Although, you do have the right to post your review on your own blog, if you feel lead to do so.

If you agree with the terms, please reply back stating as such, also sending me the email address as to where I should send the file.


1 comment:

BEAST FCD said...

So many rules and regulations.....

In that case, I decline. For me to do a review for your book is a favor to you, at my expense.

Keep your nonsense to yourself. Tis obvious you can't write, and I doubt you are going to sell any of your books, other than those addle-brained morons in church.


John Bunyan

To be saved is to be preserved in the faith to the end. 'He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.' (Mt. 24:13) Not that perseverance is an accident in Christianity, or a thing performed by human industry; they that are saved 'are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation.' (1 Pet. 1: 3-6) But perseverance is absolutely necessary to the complete saving of the soul…. He that goeth to sea with a purpose to arrive at Spain, cannot arrive there if he be drowned by the way; wherefore perseverance is absolutely necessary to the saving of the soul.