Passive Acceptance, Lazy Brute Force (Pt.1)
Passive Acceptance
Do you simply believe something because dad and mom or grandma believes it? Is it because your denomination, your preacher, or Sunday school teacher has said it is so? I am not saying that they are all wrong, but in and of itself, because one believes it does not make it so. We have a wonderful Book from God, called the Bible; it is God’s Word and should be the final authority as we grow in knowledge and wisdom in our walk as a child of God. Our question should be, “Does it match what the scriptures say”, not does it match what so and so says it means. Don’t get me wrong, we need godly parents, pastors, teachers, and friends and a wealth of knowledge is taught and learned through fellowship we have with each, but the standard of Truth lies within the Word of God alone, whereby all our convictions and beliefs should be judged. Pray, read, study, and meditate on God’s Word, don’t just sit there in Passive Acceptance of everything you are told.
Am I saying that one needs to question every belief they have? If you cannot personally give a testimony of it in scripture, then yes I would say it would be a disservice to yourself and others you may encounter if you do not consider taking the time to study it.
Proverbs 3:7; Acts 17:11; Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Corinthians 13; 2 Timothy 2:15-16; 1 John 4:1
1 comment:
As a child, I came to know Jesus from the teaching I received in church. I heard the Word and it brought forth faith in my life. Much of my belief system was simply poured upon me as if I were a sponge. I soaked it up. As I matured, I learned to study the Word for myself. The teaching of my youth was true and solid, however I have learned that some of the minute things I soaked up, were not necessarily biblical.
While we may obtain somethings in a passive way, I believe we must be active in searching the scriptures and applying the Word of God to our everyday lives.
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