C.H. Spurgeon

Sinners, let me address you with words of life; Jesus wants nothing from you, nothing whatsoever, nothing done, nothing felt; he gives both work and feeling. Ragged, penniless, just as you are, lost, forsaken, desolate, with no good feelings, and no good hopes, still Jesus comes to you, and in these words of pity he addresses you, "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

“God Doesn’t Want Me To Be Unhappy”

I have heard this statement more than once, and largely in the context of a wife desiring to leave (divorce) her husband. Where exactly does such a thought arise? I find it not within the writings of Scripture, so who then is the author of such?

First, I would like to take a look at the central word, which is interestingly “Me”. Now, I may be going out on a limb here, but usually when a person centralizes their thoughts upon self they are considered to be self-centered. A synonym for self-centered is selfish, meaning “devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.”

Now, I am not going to assume that everyone (or anyone) that claims this line of reasoning, when considering the idea of divorce, may not have a legitimate reason for separation from their spouse (though Biblical justification is very limited and seldom adhered to), but I do believe this says more about their spiritual condition than it does of the marital condition of why they feel justified in leaving.

If by chance, there were such a teaching as “God Doesn’t Want Me To Be Unhappy”, how exactly would that work toward a family? For a moment, let us consider this analogy a bit:

Husband + Wife + Children = Family

Wife (or Husband) wants out and claims “God Doesn’t Want Me To Be Unhappy”. They are finally awarded a divorce, and apparently (but probably not) find happiness in it.

Has the Husband (or Wife) and Children found happiness also, given only the desires of the other to leave the Family has been granted? Does not God want the other spouse and children to be happy also? What child is ever happy at the divorce of their parents? The logic simple does not add up.

Honestly, I don’t find the teaching “God Doesn’t Want Me To Be Unhappy” anywhere in Scripture. What I do find is God telling us that we will find joy in obedience to Him. To look and desire joy outside of the Word of God is to enjoy the pleasures of sin but for a season. Remember sin is any transgression against the law of God (both internal and external acts).

When one entertains the thought of divorce (or any other act) one must first examine their personal relationship with God. Are we in tune with the Spirit and adhering to the Word of God, or have we simply placed “ME” in the center of all that is and have just become selfish in our thinking?

Though we may think we are making our future happy by putting asunder what God has joined together, happiness for ourselves, our spouse, and our children is not what will be found.

As I once heard a pastor say, “If one would put as much work into the marriage as they do to get out of the marriage, most likely the marriage and happiness could be restored to the entire family.”

There is one truth to “God Doesn’t Want Me To Be Unhappy” and that is God has given us Scripture whereby to live our lives, and has sent His Son Jesus Christ that we might be forgiven of sin and be given eternal life. When we reject His Word and/or His Son, there is no true happiness to be found.


BEAST FCD said...

Whenever Christians write posts like these, I wonder if they really know anything about human rights.

Divorce is part and parcel of marriage. Inevitably, with every "successful" marriage, there are at least ten less successful ones, and some of them tend to end up in divorces. A physically abused housewife has the same rights to divorce as a wife who finds no more joy in her marriage.

I do think that happiness and marriage has nothing to do with the Gawd you keep expounding on, pretty much because if he really did desire us to be happy, then it would be quite strange to see children dropping like flies in impoverished countries, or see people dying from the most torturous diseases.


Anonymous said...

Beast, why are people in impoverished countries dying so terribly while those of other countries do much better? In order to make the comparison more equal, in what way do those countries differ from 18th century America?

Also, if God does not care, then who does and why should I? What if it is God's will that people not be happy. Certainly, there is enough evidence of unhappiness that one could make the case that their is a God and that He does not want us to be happy. Are you following the logic here?

BEAST FCD said...


Quite frankly, I don't.

As a secular human being, humans are responsible for their own happiness, and unfortunately that means that some people are going to be less happy than others.

I simply don't understand why Gawds have anything to do with something so mundane.


John Bunyan

To be saved is to be preserved in the faith to the end. 'He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.' (Mt. 24:13) Not that perseverance is an accident in Christianity, or a thing performed by human industry; they that are saved 'are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation.' (1 Pet. 1: 3-6) But perseverance is absolutely necessary to the complete saving of the soul…. He that goeth to sea with a purpose to arrive at Spain, cannot arrive there if he be drowned by the way; wherefore perseverance is absolutely necessary to the saving of the soul.