C.H. Spurgeon
Sinners, let me address you with words of life; Jesus wants nothing from you, nothing whatsoever, nothing done, nothing felt; he gives both work and feeling. Ragged, penniless, just as you are, lost, forsaken, desolate, with no good feelings, and no good hopes, still Jesus comes to you, and in these words of pity he addresses you, "Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out."
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Friday, July 11, 2008
John Bunyan
To be saved is to be preserved in the faith to the end. 'He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.' (Mt. 24:13) Not that perseverance is an accident in Christianity, or a thing performed by human industry; they that are saved 'are kept by the power of God, through faith unto salvation.' (1 Pet. 1: 3-6) But perseverance is absolutely necessary to the complete saving of the soul…. He that goeth to sea with a purpose to arrive at Spain, cannot arrive there if he be drowned by the way; wherefore perseverance is absolutely necessary to the saving of the soul.
You are right.
Not only must all these 2 companies be sued, other bible companies who manufacture such hate trash should also be sued.
As the saying goes, one good deed deserves another.
Are you also suggesting that the atheist authors of anti-theist writings should be sued also for their hatred of God, the Scriptures, and Christianity?
Beast, if one is to sue 'companies who manufacture such hate' [1] one would have to define ALL ideas of 'hate' and [2] most likely ALL publishers would be 'guilty' of manufacturing and selling books (at least one, surely) that someone considers 'hate'.
1. Correction: Technically, atheists don't hate God. God does not exist.
2. The issue here is not about hate: Its about a gay who has suffered from prejudice because of the insane writings of some stupid, moronic scriptural writer who is already dead.
'prejudice because of the insane writings of some stupid, moronic scriptural writer who is already dead.'
So, Beast, you also agree then that it is pretty silly for this guy to try and sue a publisher instead of the author?
If it is just one publisher........yes, its plain silly. Sue the entire organization, say, the Vatican, the Baptist Alliance, etc.
That way, there will be more coverage and hopefully, more monetary compensation.
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