Ekleipsis: Free Autographed Copy!

As a simple promotion for fun, I have decided to give a personally signed copy of it away. Anyone is eligible. All one must do is go to http://www.landoferde.com/ and click on Blog, or go directly to http://landoferde.blogspot.com/ and submit your full name and email address to be entered.
On the date that the book becomes available to the public, which hopefully will be no later than the end of January 2008, I will get my editor to draw the winner from the list of names that have been submitted to me by email.
Upon drawing the winner, they will be notified by the email address given, requesting that they send me their address. This will be the address to where the person would like the book mailed. The person will have seven (7) days to email me back with their address, or another name will be chosen.
I appreciate your interest, and best of luck to each of you!
Please continue to check the blog for updates. The winner’s name will be posted for all to see.