How Important is Religion to You: Poll
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86% believe in God.
70% believe in a Devil, which God’s Book talks about.
75% believe in angels, which God’s Book talks about.
69% believe in hell, which God’s Book talks about.
32% believe the Bible is the actual word of God to be taken literally word for word.
45% believe the Bible is inspired by God but not everything should be taken literally.
** So 86% believe in God and 77% believe the Bible is from God.
39% wants the influence of organized religion (which is a broad term) over this nation (USA) to remain the same, 32% to be less, and 27% to be more.
57% says religion is very important in their life, 27% says fairly important, and 16% says not very important in their life.
** So 57% believe religion is very important, but only 27% think that its influence should be greater in the US.
63% say they are a member of a church or synagogue, but only 40% had attended in the last 7 days, only 31% attend at least once a week.
** So 86% believe in God, 77% believe the Bible is from God, 57% say religion is important, but only 31% attend church or synagogue a week.
Is it because only 43% consider themselves “born-again” (assumingly that means regenerated by God unto salvation)? Of course this number could be low due to the fact that they associate it with “evangelical Christian” whereas one may claimed to be saved, but not an evangelical Christian.
Do we see a problem here?
86% believe in God, but only 31% are acting like it.
It merely proves that less and less people are becoming less serious about religion than we think.
Which is a good thing, really. I can't fathom that America, as one of the leading countries in science and technology, would have so many people believing in biblical crap. You don't see that kind of phenomenal percentages in, say, Germany, which I think has the best technology in the world (German engineering is rated best in the world).
Why can one not: belive in God and also work in science and technology?
Removed the Christianity aspect for a moment.
Why cannot one believe that God started the big bang just as much as one saying something else did or it started itself?
Are not both equally unexplainable?
The truth is this: Science and Religion cannot coexist without compartmentalizing one's beliefs to what is factual.
In many technologically advanced countries, such as Britain and Germany, religion has been going on a downslide trend for years. Also, you don't see any Germans or Brits arguing that evolution is wrong and all that in the news. Neither will you see Creationist museums being built to fool and beguile the masses.
In order to believe in religion and observe Science, then one must moderate one or the other. It is not possible to be a fundamentalist and be a Evolutionist at the same time.
So what are your thoughts of Stephen Hawking? I just purchased his book The Universe in a Nutshell.
I really don't know much about him but I believe he believes in God (although not one that one can personally know but a Creator just the same) and studies science.
But I doubt he is a fundamentalist. :)
As far as I am concerned, Stephen Hawking does not subscribe to a God.
Sometimes, people who study the cosmos refer to "God" as a yet-to-be-discovered mechanism that seems to govern the forces in the universe, but that does not and cannot be deemed as an acknowledgement or a personal, Judaian God.
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