Prove This Is a Picture of Jesus

Fox News reports, as others, that “A painting of Christ, with a sign reading "To know peace, obey these laws," has no place in Slidell City Court, the Louisiana American Civil Liberties Union says.”
Can anyone prove that this is actually a picture of Jesus? How can a picture of a man (some claim as an artist's likeness to Jesus) in anyway violate the actual Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment I, wording, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”?
To what I have seen, it is a picture of a man holding a book (not even in English) with words (apparently below I cannot see) that read, "To Know Peace, Obey These Laws".
This picture does not establish a religion, nor does it even convey the outlandish idea that, "As an admonition hanging in a court of law, it clearly gives the impression that only believers in the law of Jesus Christ will receive justice in that courthouse”. No one is asked what religion they are, or if they believe in God, or if they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior when they enter the court room.
Why not ask that pictures of other persons that believe we should “Know Peace, Obey These Laws” be also added to the walls of court houses?
Hmmm…. Maybe because it has nothing to do with a fear that they will not receive equal justice, but merely a hatred for God and a love for their sin.
To what I have seen, it is a picture of a man holding a book (not even in English) with words (apparently below I cannot see) that read, "To Know Peace, Obey These Laws".
I don't think the Louisiana town will be making that argument. I can't tell from the picture if the words written are legible in another language, but if they are legible and are revealed to be passages from the Bible, what then?
I find the tactic in your post to be a little dishonest. Is the cross simply a lower case "T"? Should we allow it to be plastered on every public building? Is the menorah simply a secular candle holder or is it a religious symbol?
You suggest that the reason behind this legal action may be that these people hate God. I disagree. The ACLU asked that they take the picture down, but they refused, hence the lawsuit.
Additionally, how receptive would the town have been to pleadings by other groups to post pictures relevant to Satanism, Wicca, and Scientology? The Satanic and Wiccan pentagram is just an exercise in geometry, to me. Prove otherwise. If they deny the request, is it hatred or is it upholding the Constitution?
No, I'm sure they won't.
I can't really see much from the picture myself, so the words may supposed to be Hebrew, Greek, or just the artist interpretation as the figure is. What if they are from the Bible, what if they protray the actual laws we have on the books today, what then? Shall we discount the laws of today because one claims they come from the Bible?
I didn't mean to appear to come across as dishonest. I, for one, do not take interest in pictures and such supposed to a likeness of Jesus Christ. For one, no one knows how He looks, most are incorrect due to what we have in Scripture, and too many choose to worship the images. And actually the t is all over most buildings simply by the way things are built. :)
Honestly, why would a person take notice of a picture that has been hanging on the wall for years and all of a sudden feel like it is against the seperation of church and state and that it will not allow them to get a fair trial? Will removing a picture change the "ideas" they seem to believe are in the minds of the judges? Are we to remove all those that believe in Christ was being a judge/lawyer, etc. to ensure that one "gets a fair trial" then? Come on now.
Why are Jefferson's words always used instead of the Constitution when it is a claim the Constitution is being broken? Who cares if we go against what Jefferson says in a letter? The problem is the Constitution says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof", not "separation between Church & State".
A picture hanging on a wall does not establish a religion by Congress.
Also the picture points to law, by the writing "To Know Peace, Obey These Laws". So if someone has some "Satanism, Wicca, and Scientology" artwork that points toward peace and obeying the law have them submit it. I still believe it is more of a dislike of Christianity (religion) than a desire to have their own artwork added.
I don't think you've done a lot of research on the issue.
It has been identified as a Russian Orthodox 16th century painting of Christ, the cyrillic text references two verses from the New Testament. The halo signifies the deity of Christ, pretty much restricting the "faith" represented to the various forms of Christianity.
Fine. A wonderful example of Religion and the Law, great for a secular or historical display in a courthouse. But that's not the context of this display. The clamoring masses that say it should stay up can't explain the intent behind placing it there. Why? Because the idiots who run this city don't have a clue... they don't know who put it there. What if it was the previous judge? What message does that send?
For the city officials in Slidell, this is about fighting the ACLU and getting re-elected in the land of the aluminum church; they could give a rat about Christ. For 10 years they walked around in front of a picture that they claim they never even noticed, then threw a hyssie fit when asked to take it down.
Regarding Jefferson, he was explaining the reasoning behind the First Amendment and the Establishment Clause in his letter when he referenced the wall between Church and State. To say his words aren't relevant because they aren't in the Constitution is ridiculous. He wasn't talking about the picket fence next to the rectory.
Take down the picture. Its ugly.
There. One great reason why ugly messiahs should never wind up into courthouses.
Like I previously said.
This picture is only the idea of an artist and is not an actual photo of the True Messiah, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
And as for Jefferson, his letter is merely his opinion and it should not be held as equal or as the authority to the Constitution/Amendments.
As for as "ugly" artwork. "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" and there is a tremedous amount of "ugly" artwork hung all over the United States.
Is the next step to destroy all of the governmental buildings that contain scripture, art, etc. that pertain to Christianity? Need I even ask that question?
Please.....any representation of a guy carrying a scripture is ugly.....nothing about gospels is pretty.
Stoning children, killing gays, getting killed for working on Sabbaths.......that's pretty???
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